Sweet Peace 

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 ESV

Isn’t that comforting? Doesn’t that put your soul at peace? Jesus is speaking these words straight to you. Now. As you are reading this. Don’t think of this as a far off promise or one that has expired. It is for now.  And in this moment. And for all time. 

We can’t talk about peace too much.

So can I suggest that you memorize this verse? Would you meditate on it and put it into your annals of personal experience? Let it be a weapon, a tool, a rally cry when life rolls in with all its issues. I’m not prophesying doom and gloom, just giving you the reality of it. Issues will come. Jesus told us we would have trouble but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) 


…when that unexpected bill comes in

…when your country seems to have gone crazy

…when that child forgets who they are

…when that loved one resists the gospel

…when that medical diagnosis comes
…when the promotion goes to someone else

…when that situation turns out differently than was expected

…when that relationship goes south

…when (insert your problem here)

Just tap into the peace. Peace is your portion, remember? That peace that passes all understanding. That sweet peace that only comes from being in the presence of Jesus.

Sweet. Everlasting. Peace.


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