Choices abound in life. What will I wear? What will I eat? Who will I marry? Where will I live? Where will I work? These are just a few choices that we have to make…among multitudes…even on a daily basis....
Goodbye and Hello!

Mr. Musings & Meta-tations: 😍 It’s that time of year again - end of one year, and time to ring in a New Year. The new year can be an exciting time for many people. We often associate January with...

Mr. Musings & Meta-tations: 😍We often take for granted what we get easily for free. If there isn’t a personal investment, we tend to devalue or esteem it lowly. Sometimes we may say we will attend things that are free,...
Sweet Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 ESV Isn’t that comforting? Doesn’t that...
Just Stand

“…Having done all to stand, stand therefore…” (Ephesians 6:13-14 KJV) We must stand in the day of adversity. No matter what it looks like, no matter how it feels. We must stand. Why is standing so important? Why didn’t the...
Faithfulness of God

Here is another post from Mr. Musings & Meta-tations himself. 👌👌👌 For many, God is a distant & far-off concept. He’s someone they will meet at the end of their life on earth, or He’s someone they just don’t know...
Say No to Fear 🚫

Fear is a foe. If we don’t know that by now, we will. Fear is a thief, a liar, a paralyzer…an enemy. “Oh what’s the big deal?,” you may ask. “A little fear hasn’t hurt anybody.” Hasn’t it? 🤔 This is...

I felt like the Lord was saying:“I want you to be diligent in everything you do. Let nothing slip, let nothing pass you by because of negligence. Diligence is the high road. Diligence is the way to go. Diligence is...

Honor has been on my heart these past several months. Whenever I am praying, whatever I’m praying about, honor has become a part of the prayer. At the time, I see the word printed on my mind’s canvas, stark and...
The Jesus Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you…”John 14:27 ESV Ahhh sweet peace. Who doesn’t feel like they could use a bit more? I know I do....
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