The Jesus Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you…”John 14:27 ESV

Ahhh sweet peace. Who doesn’t feel like they could use a bit more? I know I do. But wait, based on this scripture here 👆 we have the peace of JESUS! Not the world’s peace, not the flaky in and out peace. But true peace. Stable peace. Stamina peace. Longstanding peace. Jesus peace.

What is peace? Is it the absence of trouble or turmoil or chaos or calamity? No, ma’am! No, sir! It’s a quiet assurance despite all that’s going on around us. It’s a confidence in the One who made it all possible.

The word translated as peace from the Greek is eirēnē. One of the definitions for this word is “set at one again.” Don’t you love that?! 😍  So good. 

Let’s take it a step further. It is thought that eirēnē comes from the root verb eiro which means to join. By implication, Jesus’s peace joins us with HIM and sets us at one again in HIM‼️Yet another evidentiary piece of His Goodness and Thoughtfulness towards us!

The understanding that we have the Jesus Peace helps us take heed to the rest of John 14:27…”Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

So remember that you have the sweet peace of Jesus, that never runs out—NO MATTER WHAT!!

Go in that peace, today! 🙌


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